
KCU alumna named Resident of the Year by American Academy of Osteopathy

By Elizabeth Alex Apr 26, 2023

A KCU alumna with a passion for OMM is named Resident of the Year by a national osteopathic organization.

Celebrating the achievements of Dale Bratzler, DO, MPH (COM '81)

Apr 26, 2023

KCU is proud to announce that Dale Bratzler, DO, MPH (COM '81), was honored with the Resident Legacy Award at the Richard Staab, DO, Residency Symposium on April 1st in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

KCU alumna dedicates her career to providing care for Native Americans

Mar 6, 2023

“I have a passion for working with Native Americans because they are MY community. I grew up here and have seen the disparities in health in Native American communities," said Jamie L. Jacobsen, DO (COM ’11).

From friendship to marriage, two KCU grads look back on dating while in med school

Feb 14, 2023

From long study hours to fast-paced clinicals, many medical students enter their higher education journey with an expectation of what is going to happen. However, sometimes Cupid has his own plans for unsuspecting individuals. 

Contagious conversations: Food is medicine podcast

Dec 13, 2022

KCU alumna, Dr. Elizabeth Petelin, discusses the critical linkage between food and nutrition in the latest episode of the CDC Foundation's Contagious Conversations podcast.

KCU alumnus receives Family Physician of the Year Award

Dec 8, 2022

The Missouri Academy of Family Physicians (MAFP) presented Charlie Rasmussen, DO, FAAFP, of Reeds Spring, with the 2022 Family Physician of the Year Award at its 74th annual meeting.

Family legacy continues at KCU

Oct 14, 2022

In 1952 Norbert Conrad graduated from the Kansas City College of Osteopathy and Surgery as a doctor of osteopathic medicine. Fast forward 70 years, his alma mater, now known as Kansas City University (KCU), has a very different learning environment, yet the same values remain.

Landing on her feet: KCU-COB alumna first-authors paper in PNAS

By Haley Reardon Oct 11, 2022

Her work alongside Doug Bittel, PhD, KCU professor of biosciences, helped KCU-College of Biosciences alum (’19) Allison Ogren develop patience and the ability to pivot when things don’t go as planned. As part of her thesis, she worked with Bittel at Children’s Mercy analyzing the molecular biology of congenital heart defects and post-transcriptional modifications on spliceosomal RNA. 

KCU holds first hard hat tour for College of Dental Medicine

Oct 6, 2022

Donors received a first look at the new Kansas City University (KCU) College of Dental Medicine located on the Joplin campus during a hard hat tour on October 6, 2022.

Women in Medicine Month: Dr. Kelly Reed

Sep 21, 2022

To celebrate Women in Medicine Month, KCU speaks to alumna, Dr. Kelly Reed, on her successful career in dermatology and volunteer efforts to provide access to potentially lifesaving skin screenings.

KCU Announces Endowed Professorship for Medical Simulation

Mar 23, 2022
Kansas City University (KCU) announced on March 25, 2022, the establishment of the J. Mike Stanton, DO, FAOCA Endowed Professorship in Medical Simulation, the...

KCU graduate wins award for work in medical informatics

Dec 16, 2019
Not all research scientists conduct their work wearing white coats in labs testing cells in a petri dish. A new wave of research is being conducted via...