Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee reviews all protocols involving research with live vertebrate animals. The committee ensures such protocols adequately protect the health and welfare of animals utilized for research.
The Public Health Services and USDA provide the bulk of regulations governing protections for animal research, to which the IACUC ensures protocols comply. Before any research with animals is initiated at the University, investigators must apply and receive approval from the IACUC.
Please plan on at least a month between the time an application is submitted and the time a decision is rendered.
Various factors pertaining to a study can lead to decisions taking more than a month, so please consider this in your study planning. Forms to submit to the IACUC are available on IRBNet.
If you have any questions about the IACUC Committee please contact the ORSP at 816-654-7602 or [email protected].