Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

As KCU affirmed in 2018 with the launch of our most recent campus climate study, and have continually reaffirmed in the time since, we are One University. KCU aspires to be a campus community in which all members feel accepted, all experiences and perspectives are respected, and all voices are equally valued.

KCU respects every individual’s right to hold opinions and beliefs different from their peers and colleagues. But as One University we all must also respect that each of us have, and deserve, equal rights. We will never fully understand each other’s immensely unique experiences, fears or motivations, and our university family includes myriad beliefs – some of which may, at times, conflict. So, how do we best move forward together?

Racial Equity Training and Initiatives

KCU’s commitment to improving racial equity is an ongoing process, and we are dedicated to continually learning from each other in order to develop meaningful policies and strategies for action. Learn more. 

LGBTQIA+ Initiatives

KCU is committed to fostering a supportive environment for all, including those who identify in the LGBTQIA+ community, and offering resources to the entire campus. Learn more.

System.ApplicationException: Error writing file d:\website.octopus\AgilityContent\Kansas City University\Staging\AgilityContent_Rich Text / Hero Columns14944_en-us.bin ---> System.ApplicationException: Error writing file: d:\website.octopus\AgilityContent\Kansas City University\Staging\AgilityContent_Rich Text / Hero Columns14944_en-us.bin. Retried 3 time(s). ---> System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'd:\website.octopus\AgilityContent\Kansas City University\Staging\AgilityContent_Rich Text \ Hero Columns14944_en-us.bin'.
at Agility.Web.BaseCache.WriteFileWithRetries(Object item, String filepath, DateTime overrideLastModifiedDate)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Agility.Web.BaseCache.WriteFileWithRetries(Object item, String filepath, DateTime overrideLastModifiedDate)
at Agility.Web.BaseCache.WriteFile(Object item, String filepath, DateTime overrideLastModifiedDate)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Agility.Web.BaseCache.WriteFile(Object item, String filepath, DateTime overrideLastModifiedDate)
at Agility.Web.BaseCache.MergeDeltaItems(AgilityItem existingItem, AgilityItem deltaItem, String websiteName)
at Agility.Web.BaseCache.GetItem[TAgilityItem](AgilityItemKey itemKey, String websiteName, Boolean forceGetFromServer)
at Agility.Web.BaseCache.GetContent(String referenceName, String languageCode, String websiteName, Boolean forceget)
at Agility.Web.Mvc.AgilityHelpers.RenderContentZone(HtmlHelper helper, AgilityPage page, String zoneName)