KCU News
Decades of dedication: Renowned alumnus celebrates 50th reunion with generous gift
An ardent supporter of Kansas City University, Elliott Klain, DO (COM 1974), has been giving to the University for more than 30 consecutive years. Today we celebrate his enduring generosity by announcing his most recent gift of $50,000 to commemorate his 50th class reunion year.
KCU’s Dr. Grin speaks on Missouri’s rising cases of congenital syphilis infections
KCU’s Benjamin Grin, assistant professor of primary care who also serves as chief medical officer for the Kansas City Health Department, spoke during the business session of the Kansas City Council meeting about the impact of Missouri’s rising cases of congenital syphilis infections and the lack of prenatal care.
KCU-Joplin medical students take part in mass casualty simulation
First-year students played the role of victims while second-year students portrayed emergency medical personnel.
A big-league opportunity: KCU medical student serves at the Kansas City Royals Dominican Academy
When second-year student Leah Wu envisioned what medical school would be like, she never imagined that one day it would offer the opportunity to treat potential Major League Baseball players.
KCU medical students celebrate Match Day 2024
As of March 21st, over 99 percent of KCU-COM students have secured post graduate placement, with over 50 percent placing in primary care residencies.
KCU receives $16 million to build Center for Population Health and Equity
Kansas City University has thus far received a total of $16 million in federal and foundation support for the development and building of a new Center for Population Health and Equity on both Kansas City and Joplin campuses.
Kansas City University medical students celebrate Match Day
KCU joined universities across the nation in hosting a Match Day celebration for fourth-year medical students.
Kansas City University partners with community organization to provide health care services to KC’s homeless population
Kansas City University has announced a groundbreaking partnership with a local community organization to enhance health care services for the homeless population in Kansas City.
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. KCU's Dr. Ken Stewart speaks on the disease and offers guidance on prevention.
How to not let stress take over
What should you keep in mind when you want to reduce stress? KCU's Dr. Amy Sickel speaks on how to practice living in the moment and differences between stress, worry and rumination.
KCU's Dr. Niessen embodies 2024 International Women’s Day theme
Linda C. Niessen, DMD, MPH, MPP, Kansas City University College of Dental Medicine founding dean and vice provost of oral health affairs, embodies the 2024 International Women’s Day theme “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress.”
AMP-UP: New program accelerates path for students seeking medical, dental degrees
Students admitted to a new accelerated med school and dental school program announced by Pittsburg State University and Kansas City University will save money and time on their path to becoming health care professionals, getting them into the field of medicine more quickly at a time when physicians and dentists are in demand in rural areas like Southeast Kansas and Southwest Missouri.